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    Buy and manage .eth names

    A no-pain way to register an ENS name, link it to your wallet and set up a public profile.

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    Suggested names
    What is an ENS domain?
    ENS Domain
    It's a human-readable username that can point to an Ethereum wallet. These domains are essentially NFTs that you can own, transfer, sell and fully control.
    How to link your wallet to ENS name
    Wallet Linking
    Once a domain is linked to your wallet, it becomes much easier for other users to find you and use Web3 apps where ENS is well adopted.
    You can set up a public profile associated with your wallet and ENS name
    Public Profile
    After obtaining an ENS domain, make sure to fill out your profile with your website, Twitter handle, avatar, and anything else that gives your wallet a personal touch.
    Bulk register and renew
    Seamlessly register and renew multiple names at once in just 2 transactions. Save on gas fees and time.
    names at once
    saved on gas fees
    cheaper than alternatives

    How much does it cost to register an .eth domain?

    The price is determined by the length of the name and the registration period, plus the Ethereum network fees.
    $5 / year5+ character names
    $160 / year4 character names, e.g. nick.eth
    $640* / year3 character names, e.g. isc.eth
    * Domain renewal fee is automatically converted to ETH on the time of the transaction.